What’s this? Following on from last year’s ‘Sunshine Kitty‘ album, Sweden’s Tove Lo is back with two brand-new songs – ‘Bikini Porn’ and ‘Passion And Pain Taste The Same When I’m Weak’. The former of which has got a music video for it, too.
What are they like? ‘Passion And Pain’ is the downbeat slice of melancholia, whereas ‘Bikini Porn’ is Tove Lo at her cheekiest. The downer and the upper, if you will.
What does Tove say? “Bikini Porn (meaning tan lines, I made that up) is a sexy and weird song about letting go of your worries. I’m kinda making fun of myself in a way too. I sent the song to FINNEAS, who I admire so damn much, and asked if he would be down to produce it. He gave it the grit and weirdness and bopness it needed.”
Written by? Tove herself, Jakob Hazell, Ludvig Söderberg, Svante Halldin and Finneas O’Connell.
You can find ‘Bikini Porn’ on our Best New Pop playlist.