What’s this? Norwegian artist Ulrikke is full of love at the moment. She’s recently engaged and will be headlining this year’s Oslo Pride. And now she’s out with her new single ‘Talk To Me’.
What’s it like? A super-sweet, summer-ready pop tune that by the end of its journey is positively blossoming with radiance and romance.
What does Ulrikke say? “‘Talk To Me’ is all about how you want to get to know another human, that being a love interest or a friend. You are curious to know about the things that might be a bit difficult to talk about; Who was your first kiss, what is the meaning behind all your tattoos? You basically want to know the things from their past which is significant in shaping who they are today.”
Written by? Ulrikke herself, along with Helge Moen and Jim Bergsted.
More from Ulrikke? A couple of months ago she released the earworm that is ‘Love You To Love Me‘.
You can find ‘Talk To Me’ on our Best New Pop playlist.