Rasmus Seeback last week released his new album in Denmark, ‘Mer’ End Kærlighed’. Newsworthy alone for the sales figures it achieved. It went straight to number 1 on sales of over 42,000. To put that into some perspective, the album at number 2 sold only 3,978 copies to occupy that position! The Danish press are calling it the fastest selling album since 1993. It’s all very sensational.
However, that isn’t the reason we’re writing about Rasmus Seebach today. Instead it’s because of one song in particular that’s on this album of his. It’s the next single, called ‘Sirenerne’ (‘Sirens’). And we don’t wish to alarm anybody, but you know what, it jolly well might just be even more brilliant than that famously glistening jewel that already existed in the metaphorical crown that is his musical repertoire – ‘Nattaravn’. Really, we think it is.
Like ‘Natteravn’ before it, ‘Sirenerne’ is another club track that builds and builds into a crescendo of melodic euphoria. This time around though, they’ve made the chorus even more explosive. And at four minutes and thirty seconds, you definitely get a lot out of it. We recently mentioned how Rasmus had translated ‘Natteravn’ into English for the international market. Well ‘Sirenerne’ should definitely be the second international single.
Below you can listen to in its studio recording, and take a look at him performing the song on the Danish version of The Voice.