(photo: Jonas Hansebråten)
Who? Hailing from Lesja in Norway, Synne Vo is a brand-new popstar on the scene, WOWing us with her new single ‘Ikkje Tenk På Meg’.
What’s so WOW about it? As any great pop music should, it sets its mind to absolutely not fucking around in the slightest. It goes big, it goes hard, it throws a lot of things into the mix – but it all comes out perfectly, making quite a large BANG in the process.
Written by? Synne herself, along with Anna Timgren, Ellen Gimse, Jonas Jensen and Morten Franck. Produced by Andreas Hillestad Aannevik and Sebastian Aasen.
More from Synne? This is her second single, her first was ‘Lær Meg Å Leve‘.
You can find ‘Ikkje Tenk På Meg’ on our Best New Pop playlist.