Who? Marcus Holmberg, who hails from Sweden. He’s already written for music for the likes of Lisa Ajax, SVEA and Becky G. And now he’s out with his debut single ‘Låtsas Som Inget Hänt’.
What does that mean? Pretend Like Nothing Has Happened.
And what’s the song like? An incredibly beautiful melodic song that we fell in love with within the first minute of the first listen. The kind of debut single so good that you almost get anxiety over because, by Christ, this artist really REALLY needs to stick around and make more of this please.
Written by? SYLVE himself, along with Emelie Eriksson, Marcus Lindberg and William Jerner.
More from SYLVE? More singles and an EP to come this year. Until then, make sure you watch the accompanying video to his first single. Right up to the emotional gut-punch that it finishes with.
You can find ‘Låtsas Som Inget Hänt’ on our Best New Synthpop playlist.