Who? Hailing from Finland, 25-year-old Miri cites a selection as varied as Camila Cabello, Edith Piaf and Tchaikovsky as influences for her music. But even *that* line-up didn’t prepare us for the magic of her debut single ‘Vaarallinen Kela’, which she released this week.
Ooooh, what’s it like? Knowingly camp, with an equally kitsch wink to the camera at all times, it features a theatrical beat sequence over which Mira performs in a purposely nonchalant fashion. Its pop music that knows precisely what it is, and for that reason it’s able to do away with any pretence, and just hook you in right away – it doesn’t fuck around in that respect.
What does she say? “I love epic melodies, a rich world of harmony and rhythms you can dance to.”
Written by? Miko Kontturi and Senni Rantanen.
You can find ‘Vaarallinen Kela’ on our Best New Pop playlist.