Who? Julia-Lotta is a fresh new talent hailing from Sweden, and she’s out with an excellent new tune – ‘Ja, Nej Eller Kanske’.
Ja, Nej Eller Kanske? Yes, No or Maybe!
And what’s the verdict? Oh it’s a definite yes.
What’s it like? A bubbling synth-driven slice of catchy indie-pop that explodes into some proper sonic joy for its chorus. A delightful listen to keep coming back to.
Written by? Julia-Lotta herself, along with Emmy Ingesson and Mark West.
More from Julia-Lotta? This is her second single. She released her debut, ‘Ska Bara‘, a few weeks ago.
You can find ‘Ja, Nej Eller Kanske’ on our Best New Synthpop playlist.