Who? Last year Swedish newcomer Emilia Pantic moved from her native Gothenburg to Stockholm, to work with some of Sweden’s best writers and artists. And now she’s out with the fine fruits of that labour – her new single ‘Säg Det Som Du Menar Det’.
What does that mean? Say It Like You Mean It.
What’s it like? A rousing, beat-heavy bop that goes heavy on the strings – always a big bonus in the composition of a cracking great pop song. It’s a song that also showcases Emilia’s syrup-like vocals, which sound lush in a headphones-turned-up setting. Again, another nice bonus. She’s spoiling us with this one.
What does she say? “The song is about a person I once dated who pretty much said everything except what they really meant, just so they would not lose me.”
Written by? The artist herself, along with Åke Olofsson, who also produced it with Kerstin Ljungström.
More from Emilia Pantic? This is her second single. Back in February, she released her debut ‘Roadkill‘.
You cand find ‘Säg Det Som Du Menar Det’ on our Best New Pop playlist.