Swedish pop collective, Baby Alice, are back again with what’s more or less become their annual attempt at giving the world its summer anthem.
2011 brings with it a brand new track from them, and once again it’s something that is very much, all the way, right up our street! It’s called ‘Heaven Is A Dancefloor’ (indeed it probably is), and it’s not a million miles away from their previous single, ‘Pina Colada Boy‘ – which should please that particular song’s hoards of admirers. ‘Heaven Is A Dancefloor’ is less cheesy though, and slightly more mature. Whereas ‘Pina Colada Boy’ (which we still adore, by the way) had self imposed limitations on how many kinds of dancefloors it could be played on, this new single will perhaps open itself to a much broader spectrum of listeners. It’s still of much the same ilk, but it’s not as ‘marmite’ of a song as ‘Pina Colada Boy’ was, and transcends the holiday resort rut that the former found itself in
It’s catchy, but then you already know that before you listen to it. It’s fun, but that’s a given also. You know exactly what you’re getting with this one, and that’s why, if you’re like us, the arrival of a new Baby Alice tune is very welcome indeed!