What’s this? The third release from Norwegian newcomer Eline Noelia, and – would you look at that – the third top-tier tune she’s gifted us in a 100% strike rate of bangers. This is her latest single ‘Don’t Pray For Me’.
What’s it like? A no-holds-barred pop production that uses a church organ to back a big ol’ schlager chorus while simultaneously single-handedly reviving the dubstep genre. It mixes the sublime with the ridiculous, and while the appreciation of such genius will be subjective to each listener, the fact that it absolutely slaps is most definitely undeniable.
What does Eline say? “This song is about the idea that there’s not something wrong with you when other people express hatred towards who you are or what you stand for. The lyrics ‘don’t pray for me, I’ll pray for you” are meant to put the responsibility where it belongs; the ones who are doing all the judging might just be the ones who actually need to change. The sounds, the visuals and the lyrics are all inspired by my religious upbringing and my own personal experiences in that community where I witnessed and encountered a lot of prejudice based on sexuality and life choices. Packed with girl-power vocals and dance production, I hope the song can be a source of empowerment and strength, especially for those who often feel different or like the outsider.”
Written by? The artist herself, along with Audun Agnar and Emma Proietti.
More from Eline? If ‘Don’t Pray For Me’ has gotten you all riled up, you can continue that ride courtesy of ‘Shockwave‘.
You can find ‘Don’t Pray For Me’ on our Best New Pop playlist.